Dienstag, 22. November 2011

tigh high boots...

go or no go for the office??
i have these and i do wear them in the office!

... of course combined with pants or knee length skirts...

Donnerstag, 17. November 2011

all day long...

this was the only picture i could see:

but my persistence was rewarded…  about 6 hours later i was able to snatch a few accessories J
now i am curiously waiting for them to arrive…

Mittwoch, 16. November 2011

anna bar

yesterday i went to anna bar for some after work cocktails… and before i even realized it, i had three cosmos… J

i really love anna bar! it has everything i value for a bar / restaurant!
-        located very central - important!
-         nice interior - very important to me, i value a nice surrounding!  
-         good cocktails & food  – which is of course the utmost important thing J

Montag, 7. November 2011

festive jackets...

now that the festive season is approaching i am craving for a white smoking jacket and a sequin jacket in black!
they will easily and instantly glamour every simple outfit!

these 2 are from mango.com – and i love them already!

jackets are an essential part of my daily styling – pants, shit and jacket (in different colors and different styles)… but that’s perfectly it!

Mittwoch, 2. November 2011

Typically me…

2 weeks ago i went to accessorize… 
i just wanted to have a look on 2 hats that i saw online…
… and of course i bought them… cute hats – with ears J… and a little bling also found it’s way in my basket…
when i proceeded to the check out i had a bad awakening…
three digit amount!!??!!
why do i never calculate roughly before i head to the check out??
this is not the first time that this happened to me!
but this time there was not much in my bag… see for yourself what i bought: